Rose Quartz Ridged Roller

Rose Quartz Ridged Roller
Our Ridged Facial Rollers create healthy skin holistically by stimulating lymphatic drainage which detoxifying skin tissues and boosting blood flow to feed the skin from within. Facial rollers also help push products deeper into the skin as well as kept refrigerated to calm redness. Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love, associated with the heart chakra, it supports emotional healing and growth, self-love and acceptance.
Rose Quartz Benefits
A stone of “unconditional love and infinite peace and promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds.” As a conductor of energy, it helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles, increase circulation and reduce puffiness when combined with specific facial massage techniques and varied pressure. Connected to the heart chakra, it releases unexpressed and deep-seeded emotions that become etched into our facial features as permanent creases. It’s a high vibrational stone amplifies the effects of other stones and “encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, self-love, invoking self-trust and self-worth.*”
Always work superficial to deep, support the skin, work with the muscles and remember, when it comes to the “spikes”…less is more.
Light = lymphatic drainage (doesn’t have to be smooth to affect lymph)
Medium = iron out connective tissue & fascia (think fine lines & deep wrinkles)
Firm (not deep) = relieve tension and adhesions along bones, reduce appearance of scarring
Daily use improves elasticity, reduces inflammation and through increased micro-circulation and lymphatic flow, cleanses the tissue and helps keep the space around the cells pristine, so healthy skin can flourish.